Beer tap

Tapping beer correctly is an art and requires the right technique to ensure the beer is of the best quality and served correctly. Here are the steps and tips to tap beer correctly:


  1. Cleanliness: Make sure all taps, glasses and utensils are clean. Residue or contamination can negatively affect the taste of the beer.
  2. Temperature: Beer should be stored and tapped at the correct temperature, typically between 6 and 8 degrees Celsius for most beers.
  3. Carbonation: Check the carbonation pressure. The ideal pressure is usually between 1.0 and 1.2 bar, depending on the type of beer.

The tapping

  1. Prepare the glass: Rinse the glass with cold water to cool it and prevent the beer from foaming too much.
  2. Open the tap: Hold the glass under the tap at a 45-degree angle and open the tap completely. Opening it slowly can cause the beer to foam too much.
  3. Fill the glass: Let the beer flow into the glass while slowly raising the glass. The aim is to create a nice head of foam about two fingers wide.
  4. Regulate the foam: When the glass is almost full, stand it upright and let the beer run into the middle of the glass to complete the head.

Tips and Tricks

  • Correct glasses: Use the right glass for each type of beer. Different beers develop their taste and aroma best in certain glass shapes.
  • Maintain the dispensing system: Make sure that the dispensing system is cleaned and maintained regularly. This prevents contamination and guarantees the best beer quality.
  • Flush the beer line: Flush the beer lines regularly with water and special cleaning solutions to remove deposits.
  • Tap speed: Do not tap the beer too quickly to avoid excessive foaming, but also not too slowly to keep the beer fresh.
  • Control pressure: Adjust the carbonation pressure according to the temperature and type of beer. Too much pressure can create too much foam, while too little pressure can make the beer flat.


  • Presentation: Serve the beer with the head upwards. The head protects the beer from flattening and keeps the aromas in the glass longer.
  • Freshness: Serve the beer immediately after tapping to ensure freshness and flavor.

Tapping beer correctly takes practice and attention, but with time you will be able to tap a perfect beer for your guests or customers.

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